Thermoplastic Road Marking: A Guide
ShareDue to its durability and versatility, thermoplastic road marking in a very popular choice for road repair contractors. Below is a guide to the successful application of thermoplastic road markings.
Road surface
The condition of the road surface is key to the successful application of thermoplastic road marking. To ensure that the thermoplastic markings properly bond with the surface of the road, it is vital that the road is clean. Any existing road markings, mud, oil, dust, grass, gravel or grease should be cleared from the road surface before work begins. You should also ensure that the road is completely dry. Any moisture which is sitting on the road surface could cause the thermoplastic road marking to blister during its application. To ensure that the road is dry, you should place a thin sheet of tar paper over the surface you wish to mark. After a few minutes, you should check the underside of the tar paper for signs of moisture. You should not apply thermoplastic road markings until the sheet shows as completely dry after a few minutes in contact with the road surface.
You should only apply thermoplastic road markings to a road surface which is at a temperature of 10°C and over. You can check the temperature of the road surface using either a non-contact infrared thermometer or surface thermometer. You should monitor the temperature of the road as you complete the application of the road markings. If the temperature drops below 10°C, you should cease work until the temperature rises. Failure to do so can compromise the bond between the road making and the road.
Materials and Equipment
You should ensure that all the materials you use during the application of road markings, such as the thermoplastic glass beads and the primer and sealer are industry certified. Certification proves that they have been tested in a government laboratory and have been verified to meet the required legal and safety specifications for the job. You should also retain samples of the thermoplastic road marking for future quality verification.
The equipment you use to apply the road markings, such as the melting kettle, mixing and agitation machines and priming equipment should all be kept in good working condition. You should appoint a project engineer who can ensure that this equipment is running to its optimum capability.
If you are interested in hiring thermoplastic road marking equipment, you should contact a road marking company today.